Adams Dental Assisting Academy
"Helping students achieve their goals one dream at a time."
Keeping our students safe
Keeping our students safe
We are aware of the daily changing concerns of the COVID-19 virus. We are taking steps to keep our students safe by implementing the following.
- No more than 6 students enrolled at this time
- Each student assigned dental supplies.
- Daily disinfecting of classroom and supplies.
- Students supplied with mask and gloves to change as necessary.
- Social distancing of 6ft when possible.
- Students and staff must wear masks .
- Temperature checks performed daily.
- Students and staff are to stay home if sick.
- Hand sanitizer and hand washing encouraged regularly.
- During Open House no more than 15 people in building at a time.
- No eating in the school or classrooms for your safety.
Please log onto the Ohio Department of Health for any further questions and concerns.
Click here: coronavir​